Analyst Help

Create a new product to sell

Add unrecognised products to your database so they can be sold.

Scan the product or press the Product button and type in its description.

Press Create.

In the Details window enter the full description of the product

You may want to include information such as size, flavour, or fragrance.

The Till description can be shorter and less specific, this is the description which will appear on the receipt.

Now complete any further information you wish to associate with the product.

If it will be sold remember to add the Retail Price.

In the Selling tab either scan the product or manually enter the bar code number so the product is recognised when scanned during a sale.

Next, in the Buying tab press the Add button to add the pip codes for re-ordering.

Then add the supplier you want to re-order from and the re-ordering method.

Press OK to save your new product.