Analyst Help

Endorse a Special Endorsement

After labelling a ‘Special’ the endorsement details need to be added so that you receive the correct reimbursement for the item.

Label the prescription as usual.

Press End (your button name may be Endorse, depending on how your system is set up)

Press Edit to open the endorsement options.

Tick the Special option and add the required details.

Press OK to save the information.

The endorsement can be viewed in the green panel.

Press OK to save.

The endorsement can also be seen in the dispensing screen.

Press Print or Confirm (depending on your system’s set-up) to apply the Endorsement.

For items that are in part 8b of the drug tariff you will be prompted to add the Specials endorsement.

Pressing Yes to add the endorsement will automatically add ‘SP’ to the endorsement.

Again, this can be seen in the dispensing screen.

Press Print or Confirm to apply the Endorsement.