Analyst Help

Processing a refund

In the New Sales screen scan the item or press the Search button to find the item being returned.

If you have a refund speed button press this, otherwise press ACTION.

Then Refund.

Press Yes to confirm that you are refunding the item.

Then choose Yes or No depending on whether you will be re-selling or wasting the returned item.

If there are more items to refund scan or search for the next one now, repeat the confirmations to refund and restock or waste the items.

Continue until all items have been added then press End Sale.

Press Cash or Card remembering to repay the refund in the same way that the customer paid for their purchase.

Check the Amount to refund.

Press OK and either refund the card following the card merchants’ instructions or with the correct amount of cash from the till.

A refund can be done as part of a sale or on its own.

If it is part of a sale, you can scan the refund items at any point.

When all items have been scanned and the sale is ended the Amount Due will give you the balance. If this is a negative figure you need to refund the amount to the customer, if it is not negative the customer owes you the balance.

Complete the sale in the usual way.