Analyst Help

Understanding Script Queue Icons

The script queue is where you will find out a lot of information about your scripts status:

The script has been scanned or downloaded from the ‘spine.’

There is an outstanding owing for this script.

The script has been dispensed.

Script has been collected.

Script has been Clinically Checked.

Script has been Accuracy Checked.

Script has been returned to the spine.

Script is pending a return to the spine.

Script cannot be downloaded from the spine

The script has been printed.

The patient is in a nursing home. Hover over the icon for nursing home location.

Script has been endorsed.

Script has not been endorsed.

The script is a Repeat Dispensing script.

The script is a Repeat Dispensing script and this is how many of the repeat series you/the patient are on.

Script is being picked by the Quickpick app on your Hand Held Terminal.

There is a note on this patients record and should be referred to by hovering over the icon.

The patient PAYS for this script and is not exempt or status unknown. This should be checked with the patient for accuracy.

Patient is EXEMPT from paying for prescriptions. This should be checked with the patient for accuracy.